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Thomas Campbell

Campbell Law PC

Mr. Campbell graduated in 1983 from the University of Alabama with a business administration degree. While there, he was elected president of the student body. Alabama football continues to be a passion. Upon graduation, Mr. Campbell completed the Commercial Banking Training Program at a major national bank. Mr. Campbell left the banking world to accept a position as Legislative Assistant to U.S. Senator Howell Heflin (D.-Al.) in Washington, D.C.

Mr. Campbell graduated in 1988 from The University of Alabama School of Law. As a member of his law school’s National Trial Advocacy Team, Mr. Campbell received its award for outstanding trial advocacy. The American Bar Association's monthly professional magazine, the "ABA Journal," describes Mr. Campbell as a courageous advocate for consumers. Mr. Campbell loves trying cases and he does not shy away from a challenge. He has tried to conclusion several dozen litigated matters, including class and representative actions as well as NLRA AND AAA arbitrations.

After graduating from law school, Mr. Campbell worked as an associate and then partner at Lange, Simpson (now Adams Reese LLP/Lange Simpson). In August 1998, Mr. Campbell became one of the founding partners of the Birmingham office of Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak and Stewart, P.C. Representing more than half the Fortune 50 companies in America, Ogletree Deakins is a top-ranked national law firm with hundreds of lawyers in 40 or more offices. Mr. Campbell was also chosen to represent the Alabama Association of School Board Attorneys and the Alabama Association of School Boards before the United States Supreme Court. During his later years as a “corporate lawyer,” Mr. Campbell began representing consumers in class action cases and found his true calling while representing consumers in class action cases.  In April 2000, Mr. Campbell formed his own firm. Campbell Law, A Professional Corporation exclusively represents plaintiffs in complex and class action litigation. The firm’s extensive use of technology and concentrated practice focus allows it to leverage its human assets.

Product Type
On Demand

Discovery in the Arbitration Process

Total Credits: .80 including .80 CLE

Thomas Campbell
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Oct 30, 2024
$45.00 - Base Price

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